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#EndlessAdventure18 | Day 6 | SAN JUAN ISLAND

Before catching our ferry out to Friday Harbor we headed down the to the beach during low tide at Deception Pass and found some rocks to take the boys on their first rock climb. They enjoyed it, well kinda, Summit (our youngest, for now) got a little scared for a minute. Both of them really just wanted to swing around on the rope like a swing, so that's what we ended up doing.

Once we arrived on the island we tested our luck and headed straight to Lime Kiln State Park. This wasn't were we were camping for the night, but is one of the hot spots to see Orca Whales hanging around the coast line. From all of the whale watching reports things were looking good and the odds were in our favor. There was not only the local pods hanging around but also one or two transient pods that popped into the sound for a bit to eat up on all of our salmon in the waters as they travel through.

Fun fact, the Puget Sound doesn't really have any big sharks in the water because the local Orcas fend them off and keep them out. Thanks orcas!

Anyways... we didn't see any orcas, maybe spotted a dall's porpoise (smaller local whale) or two but not for long and we didn't get any good footage of them. Oh well, we were going to come back and try again in the morning.

We were just happy to make it out there in time for an epic sunset and find a place to camp at a private little resort just up the road.

Happy Exploring,

The Boren Fam

L E T ’ S C O N N E C T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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