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#EndlessAdventure18 | Day 3 | SPOKANE FAIL

This was going to be a highlight of the trip... that's what I had planned anyways... things didn't quite go as planned.

Our goal was initially to explore the greater Spokane area and check out some of the cool camping spot they have. I mean one of the original REI's is located right down town so we new there must be some outdoors stuff to find. More specifically there was an ORV Park that I wanted to camp at... turns out that the park is big and cool and all, but no camping.

So we headed up the road a few miles to the next go to State Park that looked cool... it was full. Turns out that Thursday night is hopping at the state parks around here...

So we headed up the road an hour or so to the next camping spot on our list... we ran into construction with hour long delays and one lane traffic. The construction was on the road that lead to the next camping spot... it was closed... so on we went.

It was getting super late by this time and our boys were sounds asleep.

There was another park about an hour up the road so we headed there to hopefully throw the tent in the air and at least get some sleep.

You can't make this stuff up!!! By the time we arrived at this state park there was 'notice' signs all over that the state park was closed due to construction and fixing some flooding problems or something. I seriously considered throwing up the tent anyways just because it was so late.

After looking at my map I realized we could at least make it to the National Forest (where we could camp anywhere) so on we went, another 2 hours into the night. By the time we reached the park borders and found a Forest Service Road to explore up it was pouring rain and the entire family was sound asleep.

I found a little turn out up one of the roads and decided to call it a night.

I am glad honestly that the tent was so easy and quick to throw up even in the middle of a rain storm that we were able to shuffle both kids up into bed without any problem and stay nice and dry for the night.

I don't even have a picture to show you of that morning because when we woke up we were sitting in the middle of a cloud. It looked like on a good day it would've been a cool look out over the country... but things just didn't line up with what we had planned.

Oh well, no need to worry about it. We had to make the next couple days count and hit the road in search of some sunshine to dry off the tent in.

Happy Exploring,

The Boren Fam

L E T ’ S C O N N E C T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


To catch up on all of the 10 Endless Adventure Winners check out Tepui's Endless Adventure Blog.

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